Rockway’s Digital Indicator displays digital weighment and it also has a software and memory where it can generate a customized report. Our indicator has a inbuilt memory of 2 lakh transactions and it can take printouts in any form and at any stage or anytime. For eg: Today if you want to know on 15th Nov, 2008, how many transactions were there in the particular weighbridge ? So one has to the date and will get the full report on no. Of transactions, vehicle number, incoming and outgoing information and details of the customer or form where material is coming is stored in the inbuilt memory. Further the indicator can generate reports as per material, supplier, vehicle no., etc..
- We are supplying Hi-Tech Double Ended Shear beam type load cells of capacity –20 Tonnes each.
- These Load cells are of SENSORTRONICS make (world leaders in Transducers -load cells/sensors & instrumentation).
- Our load cells are capable of withstanding vertical as well as horizontal loads, encountered on the stoppage and movements of trucks. Whereas, most of the other suppliers give compression type of load cells which cannot withstand horizontal load.
- Looking at the basic design of the compression / Column type load cells itself, a layman can also conclude that even the slight movement in the platform (which is unavoidable because of the acceleration & braking of the vehicles/ truck / trailors over the weighbridge platform) will cause drastic wear and tear to the load cell and hence result in faulty weights, unstable readings and variable weights at different corners of the weighbridge platform.
- Our load cells are having protection against LIGHTNING, RAIN WATER & DUST.
- Only Loadcells which are REPAIRABLE, incase any problem occurs in the later years. We shall also provide one free standby loadcell for the time of repairs so that your weighbridge is in working condition even for the time when the loadcell is send for the repairs.